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Pulchritude is my story.
by -Pulchritude-

previous entry: The noise.

next entry: My Kurt



The new msn. Weird but not as fancy as I thought it would be.

The new facebook. Seems unorganized and more open.

New unit at the hospital. Just fine.

New nurses and people to deal with. Pain in the ass when they don't know what's going on and you can't understand their broken english.

-So the men's curling here in Alberta won undefeated for 26 games straight. Would that not get boring after awhile? Every year. Yep! Won again! Beers at the usual place? Sounds good. *scratch belly*

Boyfriend? Hmmm....Not going there.


Cleaning house on my day off. Now I wish that would change into something different sometime.

I must have my grumpy pants on this morning.

If you're happy and you know it drop your pants!!!

YES! That's what I need. Music.




previous entry: The noise.

next entry: My Kurt

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[KenyanPride|0 likes] [|reply]

hey bout time you updated and ya know..prove that your alive

[TheLazyNinja|0 likes] [|reply]

haha well yea you are the first to say i have a nice box. But see if i said that to a girl i would get slapped so where is the fairness in that lol


[TheLazyNinja|0 likes] [|reply]

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