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Pulchritude is my story.
by -Pulchritude-

previous entry: Blowing off steam but I'm all tapped out

next entry: Change

The noise.


I make alot of

meaningless conversation.

Mostly random.

While it's entertaining it's

tough for people to

understand. It's like a commercial or a tv show.

People don't like to think

 unless it's about


previous entry: Blowing off steam but I'm all tapped out

next entry: Change

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I love no understanding peoples conversations, because then its like a puzzle to figure out. where ya been hm hm hm??? lol

[TheLazyNinjaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I like puzzles. Some people like angles. Both are enjoyable.
I have been BUSY!!!! Jeremy came to stay for the weekend for the last time this winter. Oil rig is done and he's gone back to chill out before farming starts. We went to BP's with mike n lacey.
He got slammered. Mike wanted a shopping cart ride and Lacey just broke up with someone so after making her laugh for a bit she went home.
I also worked all weekend. Great stuff huh.
Did you know that was a loaded question? Oh no you didnt!

[-Pulchritude-|0 likes] [|reply]

haha see now your just being all difficult. How come i wasnt invited to join in on all the fun hm? now im all hurt and sad

[TheLazyNinjaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

you did it, it worked now your a real blooper lol

[TheLazyNinjaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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