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by br!na

previous entry: Another update... :[

next entry: Keeping everything crossed!! :]

It's that time again!!!! :]


<3 <3 <3 <3

Okay you guys...

I talked to my donor and his wife, I checked my ovulation calander online..and I sterelized all my stuff!! Everything is ready to go for tomorrow! I'm so excited! All of the ovulation calanders online say that tomorrow is a fertile day! So hopefully it will take! Maybe this time I will get all of the calculations right! :]

So I need favors from all of you guys! Lots of babydust, stickydust and prayers sent this way!! Tomorrow afternoon will be my first insemination in 2 months! I'm very excited! :]]]

Have a great night everyone!!!

**UPDATE** I changed my TTC ticker! It is finally correct! lol So everyone can go by that if you're keeping up with me!! :]


previous entry: Another update... :[

next entry: Keeping everything crossed!! :]

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[.Amber.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

wooohooo! thats greattt!
tons sent ur wayyy! sicky babydust and pink sparkle dust!

[♥ Mrs. Mommy|0 likes] [|reply]

i have everything crossed for you! sticky baby dust everywhere xxx.
question and you dont have to answer if you dont want to....but how did guys choose your donor? just curious is all.
my fiance has jokingly said we should try our own AI (using his baby juice) as our shifts at work dont always allow us to dtd when the time is seriously starting to consider taking him up on the offer.

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck

[[accepting.change]Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck

[[accepting.change]Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck, woop!

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

oh oh oh sticky wishes sticky wishes LOL Good luck baby girl sorry I haven't been able to keep in touch but I have no time what so ever on my phone and I am only able to sneak online when Grammy and Pepe leave which is RARE! Anyway I miss you and I love you good luck girl I'll keep my fingers crossed

[Anna LOVES Thomas|0 likes] [|reply]






[.Ban.Ignorance.|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Another update... :[

next entry: Keeping everything crossed!! :]

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