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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Any moment in time

next entry: Big girls dont cry

A light year


I think we did pretty good on the birthday this year only one party well two but the first was just our small family. She had a great birthday all the little girls said "Ciara had the coolest party every!" she had her party at the justice (limited too) store it was a webkinz party they got their hair done and played games. 2 hours long they enjoyed it i was a bit bored (ok until i found toys)

If i hear one more complaint about my driving im stopping the car and making that person drive all i hear is SLOW DOWN! when im turning the car i dont even go that fast they all say they would not like to look that they were beat up when they get out haha say they hit there head on the window so from now on im stopping the car completely before i turn sure it will piss off the cars behind me (because thats sooooooooooo annoying when people take 10 years to turn) but it will make my passenger feel safe hahahahahaha.

previous entry: Any moment in time

next entry: Big girls dont cry

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