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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Big girls dont cry

next entry: Where did this month go?

do not scare your teachers!


oh my niece is a nut i swear! so today she comes home with a story about gym class....

*shakes head* i dont know who raised this child *hides under table*

So they were playing flag football and it seems miss ciara turned it in to tackle football when she grabbed someones flag she would then trip them and yell "Get up man! theres no crying in my game!" well after a few kids one little girl went and told the teacher ciara called her a man and tripped her.

The teacher pulled Ciara aside and told her to stop tripping people then asked her if she knew what threatening was and ciara told him "yes its like when somebodys on the monkey bars and wont get off and somebody wants it and says if you dont get off ill push you!" the teacher told her yea ok go sit down cause your scaring me.

This is not the only teacher she does this to her main teacher gets to deal with her to when ciara gets excited she bounces and doesnt always pay attention to her hands and shes been known to poke her teacher in the arm to get her attention *smacks head*

previous entry: Big girls dont cry

next entry: Where did this month go?

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lol kids r great

[Dont hate appreciate|0 likes] [|reply]

*random noter* omg i love this wonderment who is ciara! im glad there is a girl who understands that tackle football is much more entertaining than flag football. she sounds great. hahahaha

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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