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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: I can only be myself

next entry: Random thoughts

my dream


Me and Ciara went over to the apartment at 7 she took her bath and then hung out in her room for like 2 hours putting her book bag away I was in the living room watching Nancy Grace and was in and out of sleep at 9 ciara came in the living room and I asked her if she wanted to lay down with me so we snuggled on the tiny couch and fell asleep the cats slept on my legs.

I should never watch Nancy grace before I sleep It was about the little girl that went missing from her bed and her babysitter turned stepmom failed the lie test. In my dream I was sleeping next to Ciara and someone came and tried to take her outta bed I couldnt see who it was but I was fighting and hitting there was no way I was letting her get away but some how they still took her and there was a video camera set up in the room but that part of the tape went missing so I just looked crazy and was being blamed I think they had found her right when my sister texted me that she was ready.

I woke up and I was trying not to wake Ciara up but the space was limited so she woke up and she came with me I was goign to tell her she could stay but then I remembered my dream so she came with me. I mean my sister roommate would have kept a eye on her for me.

previous entry: I can only be myself

next entry: Random thoughts

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