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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: 2 year olds have issues

next entry: Ipod shuffle survey

No give back!


Jaraco (2 year old) was sitting on the couch with me playing with a old cell phone that has no service but it still comes on he would get so excited when he opened it and the light came on he would say "IT WORKS!" he put my phone to my ear and said hello I asked him where he was he pointed to him self and said "right here its Jaraco!" he got done with that game and was going outside he had the phone in his hand he said with his finger in the air "no give back!?" I said he could play with it he said "mine? not giving it back" haha I let him take it out he was excited he was mad that his shorts didn't have a pocket to put it in he tied it up in his shirt haha I would play with him all day hes funny I love that age when they are happy I hide on his bad days

previous entry: 2 year olds have issues

next entry: Ipod shuffle survey

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