A few days early,
The years have gone to fast... though some days it seems like you have been here forever.
For 9 years you have made me laugh... You have made me want to pull my hair out.
The past few months... pretty much the last year have been hard for me I have pulled away from my life and been in my own world I have not been Your Bridgett I have simple just been another person around you.
I love you so much and only want you to have the best life you can you deserve the world.... Watching you grow use to make me so proud knowing I was helping with that knowing I was showing you how to grow how to be a good person.
Now a days I look at you and sadly feel nothing I can't look at you and be proud... I have done nothing for you... All I do now is push you away get mad at you fight with you.... You try to hug me I push you away you try to kiss me I yell at you....
You are so smart you get 100%s on all your papers you have friends at school you love your teachers... You are nothing like I was and that makes me sooo happy... You have a normal childhood you have no worries.. Maybe that makes me jealous of you in a way but then again I love seeing it getting to relive life through you all our trips all over the place.
You are the reason this family is still together had you not come along we would have all gone our different ways your mother would have been off with your father some where and would have never had a reason to come back home... You are the reason she lives you are the reason she is strong. Before you the only family vacation we ever went on was a trip to VA...
Little lady you are the world to every person in this family... Even your father thinks the world of you and you know it yea hes not around but hes still thinking about you every minute this is just what he thinks is best for you he knows you life is the best with him outta the picture he knows your mom has this packed down.
Your Bridgett always and forever.