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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: "Whats your name?!"

next entry: The kids

Where r your pants?


My lovely neighbors the 2 year old and 4 year just came in my house I could tell they snuck outta the house cause the 4 year old had no shoes on and the 2 year old forgot his pants he had a sweatshirt and diaper on haha I asked him where his pants were he pointed and said "at my house!" haha so I picked him up and took him home I said "does your mommy know your out" he said "mmmm yes!" little liar their mom was coming out when we got up the sidewalk.

Kids are cute.... Glad I don't have my own .

previous entry: "Whats your name?!"

next entry: The kids

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