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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: You can leave with me Or you can have the blues

next entry: hes a jerk but thats ok

Why am I sad?


Why do I wanna cry right now?

My grandfather is going to be alright hes gotta stay at the hospital for the night.

I took the boy back to his dad at 9:30 and had to drop them at the wifes house around the corner. I miss the kid already and i only met him this week I watched him yesterday and today hes the boy version of Ciara he calls her the crazy girl haha. I.T. said he would try to call me later dont think it will happen whatever I know we are just friends but Ive kept my word on what we talked about and when i asked him to do the same he said "I hope so".

Im just in the mood to cry.

previous entry: You can leave with me Or you can have the blues

next entry: hes a jerk but thats ok

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