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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

next entry: A Family Puzzle.

To you.


You have made this last month the best, everyday I look forward to talking to you. I think about where I'd be without you and thank God, you saved me. You know it's all because the way you look at me, hug me, kiss me, hold me, it's because you make everyday better then the last, that means, everyday is the best day ever. You're the reason I smile somuch, you make me feel loved, wanted, like someone cares. I just want to say thank you. You amaze me more each and everyday. I love how comfortable I am around you, something about you makes me more relaxed and just all around more happy.Thank you for everything, I have a feeling you'll make a big impact on my life. More then you already have, you have taught me so much. You're such an amazing person, I love you.

next entry: A Family Puzzle.

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[Lady Harley QuinnStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Aw. That's so sweet!
Welcome to Bloop! :]

[lady bri.|0 likes] [|reply]

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