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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: To you.

next entry: Memories.

A Family Puzzle.


What makes a family broken or not? Death, divorce, abuse, and excessive fighting? Are the "unbroken" families normal or are the broken ones? Isn't normalcy "the avarage" and I'm pretty sure if death, divorce, abuse, and excessive fighting, are what make a family broken, then the average family is broken, the normal families are the broken ones.

I wish things could just fall into place the way everyone wants them to. Just like that 1000 piece puzzle my Grandma works on in the summers when it's to hot to work in the garden or when the sun just starts going down and hits the spotless white table cloth in that orange yellow glow, it might take time but you get there, eventually you get there, to happiness to being completed, to that perfect farm picture with the piles of hay and those beautiful clydesdale horses in the distance or the snow capped mountains covered with dark evergreens so still, so perfect, so silent you can almost smell it, the smell you image is just like when Mom gets a new air freshener in her little blue escort. If our families are those 1000 piece puzzles, does that make us the individual pieces? Or are we the puzzles with missing pieces? Are we completed at one time by a little old woman in a button up shirt and nothing better to do with the summer, who when finished all though proud takes that perfect farm or snowy mountain photo and breaks it slowly in to 1000 pieces one more time, do we go through being put together, taken apart, put in the cold, dark and somewhat dusty basement to be put together again the following summer, only to find that over the winter, fall, and spring the dog and the squirrels have gotten into that box and broken our 1000 piece family, ate pieces, frayed the edges so badly there is no way of finishing our perfect scene? Now all that, that beauty is, is broken, no longer still and silent but broken, broken beyond repair, just like us, just like our family's.

All we are is one big mess, a pile of puzzle pieces no one has time to fix and put back together.

previous entry: To you.

next entry: Memories.

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aww hon *hugs* families are hard work, but i do hope everything works out.xx

[.November.Butterfly.|0 likes] [|reply]

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