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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: Can you define Love?

next entry: looking for my mind.

Underwater Screams


Finding a needle in a hay stack, it’s just like me finding the words I’m looking for, that one thing I want to be able to say, to tell you, in a pile of things I actually do say. A pile of thoughts and feeling I haven’t had time to sort out, that’s what spring cleaning is for right? Spring Break, this week. Maybe this time I’ll figure it out, just maybe. I sure do try, but it’s just like yelling underwater, no matter what I say it comes out different, no matter how loud I yell.

previous entry: Can you define Love?

next entry: looking for my mind.

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I want to think that same way.
But i guess it depends on what kind of love you mean..
like.. I could tell jason i love him but i dont know everything about him so its hard to back them up. But i could say at this point that what i do know of him i love. therefore i could say "i love you"

[.Krisstah.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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