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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: Terrified

next entry: Underwater Screams

Can you define Love?


How do people define love? I guess some say it doesn’t really have a definition, it’s unexplainable. I think it depends on the person, everyone may have a different definition of love. I’m talking about the feeling of love, not the act of love. I’m pretty sure the act of loving someone is a lot more easily defined then the feeling of love. How do you define love? I always thought of it as something that you just know, maybe not right away but deep down and one day you just realize it. Not like the way you love your family but the way you love a significant other, or a friend.



            IN love is completely different from love isn’t it? Its deeper and you’ll always love them, even if you fall out of love with them. Right?


previous entry: Terrified

next entry: Underwater Screams

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I find a lot of people base love on a length of time.
But yet nothing really specific.. I mean i've known this guy im seeing for half a year.. i could say i love him but at the same time im scared to put it down as an official proclamation because maybe im dumb and dont know what love is..

[.Krisstah.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Plan B is not the "abortion pill." Plan B does not affect existing pregnancy.

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

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