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Attitude is everything
by -Ren

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Sora and I were glaring at each other. Marius had made his move and asked her to the Yule Ball. It was between classes and we were going to be late.

“Tell me “big brother” why shouldn’t I go to the Yule Ball with Marius he’s dreamy looking and sexy.” She was honestly with me and she was very gitty about it.

“Don’t be so naive. Sora!” I changed to Japanese I didn’t want anyone knowing what we are saying. “ He only going out with you because the girl he really wants to go out with asked me instead. He’s using you to get back to me.”

By the book on her face I could tell she didn’t know that fact. “Of course I knew that. But he someone to go with to the Yule Ball.” She gave me the most defiant look on her face. “I’m going to remind you again Ren I’m only NINE MOTHS YOUNGER than you!” Then she turned and when into class slamming the door in my face. I went in a few seconds after her.

She didn’t sit in where we usually sit together she sat with the girl who she complained that smelled like bad fish.


Rebekah smiled sweetly at me and I flet a pull in my chest. I walked closer to her as we walked slowly to the Great Hall for dinner. Her eyes sparkled as she looking into mine. For just an moment everyone faded away and it was just us as it flet to me [I had no clue that I was falling for Rebekah soo fast]

“As agreed I’ll tell you something about myself. My favorite colors are green, purple, red, and blue.” Rebeckah said starting off small.

“I like Black, white, and it’s not very manly but lavender.”

“Oh well I thought it would be pink.”

I laughed. “I hate pink.”

“You know pink used to be a color for boys and blue for girls at one time in history.”

I made a face and Rebeckah giggled. “Oh god that’s just awlful I’m glad my culture never did that.”

“Lavender is a lovely color it goes with just about anything.”

“I especially like it on girls.” I confessed.

She smiled brightly and we stopped walking before going into the great hall. “This weekend I’ll ware one of my dresses it’s in Lavender I think you’d like it. Plus we I mean my friends and I come in there in the afternoon for some tea you can meet them and another friend you may know will be there too please come.”

“Okay. I smiled.” Then added “how about next time same time I’ll go first.”

“Alright.” She smiled. We parted ways and Marius gave me if looks could kill


I sat down with my note book open the one I cary around with me everywhere the note book I haven’t written in since Obaasan when into her eternal sleep. I write poetry and short stories some short some longer. I stared at my handwriting most of the poems were written English mom said we had to keep writing in English for practice when Sora and I were little. I just turned that into writing. I slowly turned to a plank page. I stared at it hoping that it would give me some Ideas. Then slowly I began to write.

Snow falls silently.
It’s the silent death
As ones breath excapes the with wisps of smoke.

Don’t be fooled by the puffy white blanket
As it sparkles with like fairy dust
It’s the blanket of death.
Turns your smoke breath in ice picks.

Frost grows on your hands and arms in fragmented snowflake avant guard.
The snow queen laughs on her iced throne
Evil Ice imps suck your soul as they dance around in the wips of breath smoke

Snow falls silently

I frowned a bit. “It sucks” I said aloud but considering I haven’t written in it for a while it was good to write. Even if it’s little something, I looked up to see Mairus staring at me with his intense blue eyes of is. He then looked away not after giving me a snarling look.

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