I'm trying to lose some weight. I gained so much weight on that damn Lyrica, and I want to get back to where I was. I'm not trying to go crazy or anything, I just want to be back where I was. I've been going to the gym a few times a week with Mel, and I've been doing some other exercises on my own at home. It is pretty much killing me, I am just so exhausted. All of this exercise with my Fibromyalgia is harder then you'd imagine. I'm in so much pain and so tired, but I've lost a couple of pounds, so hopefully it will keep on working and be worth it in the long run.
I got approved for Maine Medical FreeCare today. Although this will only help with a couple of my medical bills, it is still better then nothing. Every bit helps really in this situation. I just wish I could get more help with my medications, as they are over $500 a month, which is outrageous in my opinion.
I just got my hair cut on Friday, and it was quite exciting because it was way overdue. I got it cut and re-highlighted and I love how it looks now. Sometimes the little things in life really do make a difference. Ok, that's it for now...hope everyone is well