I guess I'm just like let me enjoy my happiness. I've gotten in such a habit of blogging about everything that when I don't blog especially on myspace all my friends think something is wrong or I'm hiding something. Which is bull. So I met a guy and I'm spending more time with him then I am at home blogging, that means I've finally done what I said I was going to and I've gotten a life. Holy shit. Maybe the ppl who live for my blogs should get one too. I love blogging but getting bashing messages because I haven't entertained them for a week or more, thats so fucking uncalled for. Gawd forbid. I'm having surgery on my arm and elbow on Wednesday, so I'm probably not going to blog for a while. And yes I'm seeing someone, let me enjoy it, because I know if I blog about it someone somewhere will find something negative to say about it. So fuck em. I'm not putting my blog on friends only and I'm not making my myspace blog private but I'm not going to answer anymore fucked up messages. I don't write for others, I write for MYSELF, so that at the end of a bad day I can release all the pressure inside. Its getting fucking old making excuses for myself. My hand is going numb so I'm going to go spend the night with my boyfriend. The haters out there can continue to hate on me, I don't give a damn. If I'm the best thing you can come up with to gossip about that's pretty fucking lame.