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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby


next entry: ..There a hole in my bucket dear Elijah, dear Elijah*

Need some advice, please.



In a nutshell

Met a guy online. First time we hung out, we ended up doing everything but having sex (& still havent ). A month went by, no text messaging inbetween. No phone conversations. Then out of blue sends a text message to come over.When am there, we talk. We dont just get busy lol. Pattern continues. Met with him about four times.

Last time he wants me to come over when his parents & his son is there. I text him back, "Meet the parents & the kids thats pretty risky". He says " Hey babe, i guess this is the next step lol". Which i ended up going over there & doing exactly that. I didn't sit down with them all & talk we just went downstairs. His baby laid with grandma watchin Franklin upstairs. Chad offered for him to come downstairs, & he did at one point of a few minutes. When he said that statment all i coudl think of was ... What does that mean? . To me, i just see this as a bootay call. Specially since there no communication inbetween the times we hangout. He wanted me to spend the night earlier in the week when i mentioned comming out but we both decided that wouldn't be the best idea with his kid there. Sounds like i will next time tho.

I couldn't see us being more then "friends with benefits". Their things about him, i dont admire. That am not even sure i can just "settle with". With that said, i dont know why i feel the need to rethink about the comment he said. Maybe, because its been to long since ive had someone hold me.

If you happen to read this. If you happen to have a chance please leave your opinion. No matter how brutal you may feel it is.

Love Bipolar Inc


next entry: ..There a hole in my bucket dear Elijah, dear Elijah*

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I think it's questionable that he had you come over when the family and his child was there only to have you go upstairs. That isn't the 'next step' at all. That's just "Oh. I'm having family over but I happen to want you privately" sort of thing it seems. If there is no communication in between the times you hang out I would question it though. If there are qualities you don't like in him, why are you letting him on in some of your qualities, if you get my drift? :/

[Ms. Jack|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds like he just wants to get laid.

[♥Calee;;|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds like he doesn't really know what he wants. A little bit he wants to hook up, but for him to invite you over when his family is there... That's confusing!!! He wouldn't invite a booty call over when his kid is there!

[bananabutt|0 likes] [|reply]

I dated a guy like that...sort of! haha.
I met him online and we met up in RL and started dating...and because he lived like an hour or so away from me most of our relationship was by text....which is really lame.

Sometimes it would be days before I'd hear from him...he always had some family emergancy. I never got to meet his family during the 4 months we were seeing each other. I felt really weird about that, because he'd met my parents numerous times but never once offered for me to go to his house or even meet his brother.

That was a really lonely relationship and i felt like I wasn't good enough. We ended it mutually and even now, while I'm seeing someone else he used to txt me and make suggestive comments! I'm like wtf?

This guy sounds either confused or he wants to get laid. You deserve better and a guy with a kid has a lot of baggage that comes with him. If all you want from the relationship is a bootycall, you better make that clear. If you want more than friends with benefits, you better make that clear too. Communication (NOT by txt msg) is the best solution to any problem in a relationship

[ZGirl22|0 likes] [|reply]

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