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by s.jane

previous entry: Happy birthday Ellen!

next entry: To go or not to go

The way I see it


The way I see it

This past weekend was not to shabby. Very eventful.

Deep-cleaning Adam's room went well. Minus him getting stressed over non-sense. He keeps everything, things he didn't even remember he had. Is it me, or are all guys bad with hoarding? There are three things I asked myself before I throw something away: 1) Have I used it in the past year? 2) Did I forget about it? & if so, have I lived my life without it? 3) Will I honestly loose enough weight to fit back into it? It was pretty bad, he kept a shirt that I haven't seen him wear since we've got together, three years ago. A tony hawk toy that he had when he was 12. I just rolled my eyes at most of it, and stuffed it in a box on one of his shelf. Overall, it went well.. his room is spotless but let's just hope he keeps it that way.

I went on a clothing haul this weekend, every AJ Wright in the US are going out of business, and if you haven't been to one yet.. it's kind of like black Friday everyday. The lines were ridiculous, and everything was picked over, but I seemed to get so much stuff. The bill should've been about 130$ all together, I paid 40$. Picked up Adam's birthday present there on Saturday, made the mistake going back with him on Sunday, everything I got him.. he picked out himself. There goes the surprise.

I bought a large and medium in most of my clothes I bought this weekend, quitting pop has made an impact. I love my fruit2o's, they taste good & there is nothing in them. I've never stuck to something for this long, so I'm very excited about that.

One more thing I'd like to get off my chest. Girls. I'm very, very, very picky when it come to befriending girls. It's really hard to understand, but let me try. Most girls like when another girl tries to impress them. Making them feel more inferior, they'd want to befriend them. With me, it's opposite, I love when people are themselves. I hate when a girl tries to impress me, or be extra-nice to me to become my friend. There is this family that goes to my church, they have two daughters, Victoria and Chelsea. Victoria has not once tried to get my attention, she just lets it flow. I like her. Chelsea on the other hand drives me crazy with all her non-subtle ways of trying to get closer to me.

- this layout was made by simple layouts.

previous entry: Happy birthday Ellen!

next entry: To go or not to go

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