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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: Shalalala

next entry: This old man, he played one

sttttttrike 3!


So yea, I'm drunkish off of 3 large amaretto sours. Sad, huh? I shall be very surprised if I spell everything right in this entry.

Life is going better than ok. Not fantastic, but ok. Leaving my shithole job in like a month, enrolled in cosmetology school, and hopefully will move out when I finish that. And, I get to see boy boy all summer! What else can I ask for? Oh, and my birthday was slamming. All the important people showed up, and I danced like my life depended on it. Good times, GREAT times. So, highlights, shall we?

Highlights of my day: Buying MUCHO stuff for cheap (pjs for .7 cents... whaaaaat?!?!) seeing my boy boy for lunch, work going by so quick I don't even remember it, and feeling GOOOOOOD off my draaanks. Oh, my life <3333

previous entry: Shalalala

next entry: This old man, he played one

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