This old man, he played one
how do you like school so far??? i'm glad you quit your job if you didn't like it! its more important for you to set your life on the path that you want it to be on.
Love you updates. New Jobs are nice but you are making the best of everything, therefore you are a person.
Would I be out of line if I said I miss you
Each time I read this I can't help but know that whoever this boy is, he definitely feels exactly the same. A strong connection such as this could not be achieved by simply one side. So...
Know that you have taken the words/thoughts/feelings directly from his mind and that he too is counting down the days until that faithful return, the first kiss from his love, a time of completion, he could not tell you enough.
whats my name?
I bet the boy boy was quite happy he was able to spend his Thanksgiving with you. Also, I probably haven't had a perfectly ripened mango in over a year. Unforgivable
whats my name?
I was so confused when I saw that he was engaged and I had NO idea who that girl was. I didn't even now he broke up with Jess!
and the beat goes on
OH and RYC: yea when they messed up my hairstyle IT LOOKED GREAT as well but it wasn't what I SPECIFICALLY asked for....AT ALL...and PLUS my job hated it, hence the situation I'm in.
and the beat goes on
LOL!!!! "did no slave work" You sound like me back when I was living at home with the fam. It'll get better, keep searching and if you're DETERMINED -- you'll find a way to work things out.
and the beat goes on
living around there is soooo expensive. my sister still lives at home bc she can't afford to live anywhere because she'd need a roommate. whats mary up to yo?
hot tottie
OMG I went in to a hairdresser and didn't get what I want and wasted $100...I still looked good with it but it stil had me peeved. Do they EVER get it right?