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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: and the beat goes on

next entry: If I had one wish

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so i guess you can say the calm has arrived. Mom is still ridiculous but at least we're on speaking terms. I got to spend Thanksgiving with boy boy, which is a first.. I've never spent a holiday with a boyfriend so it was quite refreshing. Work has been crazy with Black friday and the few days after it. Lets see... umm spent some time with crazy co workers, in which i found out a lot of drunk gossip. But i actually had a good time with people I dont necessarily enjoy at work... so I guess it's good to see people out of their element. Ha! I found out this 40something year old lady at my job has a crush on me? um... whoa. Oh, my brother got engaged! Weird, because he's been dating her for like, less than six months, so shes probably pregnant but hey, to each their own. And there was my ranty rant.

Highlights of my day: Eating a perfectly ripened mango, spending my lunch break with one of the funniest people i know, getting out of work on time, receiving my supply of meds, and hopefully getting to hear a goodnight from the best boy everrrrrrrrr

previous entry: and the beat goes on

next entry: If I had one wish

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I was so confused when I saw that he was engaged and I had NO idea who that girl was. I didn't even now he broke up with Jess!

[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I bet the boy boy was quite happy he was able to spend his Thanksgiving with you. Also, I probably haven't had a perfectly ripened mango in over a year. Unforgivable

[Yourgerg|0 likes] [|reply]

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