click here for the original entry.
I have a new cousin!!! 2/3/2004
Time: 12:27am
State of Being: w00t!
Song lyric in my head: It's never too late to reinvent the bicycle
current desire: nerthin much
where am I?: in my dormroom sitting in my desk
what's that noise?: Sum41 Fat Lip
I'm on a roll with the entries tonight. I think this'll be the last one.
I just got an e-mail from my uncle! My aunt just had her baby! a baby boy. They're still thinking of a name.
I feel bad because I completely forgot she was pregnant. She has a girl, Emily who's 7? now.. She's had a miscarriage and a still born. So this baby is a miracle. wow. it's so wonderful.
picture here.
he was JUST born a few hours ago.