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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: Sirius Black is in China 1/8/2004

next entry: complaints 1/11/2004

last night and today 1/10/2004


click here for original entry.
I'm sorry for taking up so much of the main page, y'all. I just really wanted to get these entries is my diary.

Time: 10:42pm
State of Being: so tired
Song lyric in my head: I've had it up to here
current desire: my lap-top dammit!
where am I?: computer room. (back in GA)
what's that noise?: no noise. (actually the random jingling of the chains on Lady's neck)

yeh. I'm back. I'm homesick already.

My friend, Meghan and I went out last night and saw Paycheck. with Ben Affleck. It was a bloody awesome flick. I highly recommend it. After the movie, we were hungry so we went to McDonalds. (it was about midnight) The drive-thru was open. We got our MickyDees and decided to eat it in the IHOP parking lot accross the street. LoL We were so hyper and everyone kept staring at us laughing our asses off. You'd be surprise how busy IHOP is at midnight. Well around 12:30 we were done, so Meghan asked "What do you want to do next?" I said "Let's go to the beach." So we went to the beach. Going to the beach at night is our past time when any of us get together. It was so beautiful. I knew I made a mistake going because the beach at night is what I love best about my hometown. Well, Meghan and I were still hyper. We started writing in the sand. I started with a "HI." then "MEL WAS HERE." Meghan wrote "HELP ME" (like on a desert island) I wrote "MEL SAYS HOW DEE!" really big. Then I said, I wonder if we can write "help me" huge. So Meghan wrote this giant "HELP ME!" It was hilarious. I wonder how legal it is. It was just about 1 when we left. My feet were all sandy because I went wading in the ocean. When I went up to wash them off, the water was shut off so I decided to stick them out of the car window when we were driving back. That was fun. Meghan and I have the best time together. Anywho I got home a little after 1. I was expecting my dad to turn on his light and say "you're home late." because he does that when I get home at 12:30 which is my normal time. Anywho, there was no lightage, and my dad didn't say a word.

I got to bed at 1:30.

My dad woke me up at 6:30. Which was fine. I told him to wake me up in the morning. It's when he leaves for school. (he's a teacher) and since I was flying out today, this was the last time I'll see him for a while. So we said our goodbyes, and I went back to sleep around 7.

My cell rings at 8. "Is Jim there?" "Sorry you have the wrong number." Bloody hell. they always ask for Jim. I've had this cell number for over a year, you'd think they realized that Jim changed his numbers by now. I hope it wasn't a long lost friend looking for him. That would be sad. Five minutes later my cell rings again. But no one answers. Probably the same guy wondering if he dialed the right number. I was too tired to check my caller ID. I just knew it was a number i didn't recognize with an Atlanta area code. Finally got back to sleep at 8:15.

Alarm goes off at 9:15. I set it to that time so I can start procrastinating packing that early. I didn't get to start doing anything until after 11. I went online and found Krystle there. She was going to take me to the aiport. I said. "What time you comin over?" "Soon. I gotta finish paying bills." "Aight. I have the door unlocked just come on in. I should be upstairs taking a shower or packing or something."

So I took a shower and then began to pack. Krystle got there at 12:30-ish. She got me a Christmas present. I felt so bad because I didn't have the money to get her anything. She got me this kickass diary with a faerie on the front. (I love faeries.) It was drawn by one of my favorite faerie artists too. I have a whole bunch of pictures on the wall by them. (i don't know they're name). She saw them when she came up here to GA and then saw the diary and said "ooh!" She said there were a whole bunch of them and she stood there for 10 minutes trying to decide. LoL. She also got me this kickass pen. I don't know if y'all have seen the Labyrinth at all, but the little worm guy in it. "Ello." Then Jennifer Connelly says. "Did you just say Hello?" "No. I said 'Ello, but that's close enough." in that english accent. It's a joke between all of us. Well the pen has a picture of the worm guy on it. (I can't remember his name) With "I said 'Ello") written on it. It's wicked. LoL Krystle said she almost died laughing when she was on the phone with me yesterday. When I couldn't get that English accent out of my head. "Ello." Because of the irony and all. fun times.

ack where was I? umm I openned presents and K and I talked for a while. Then I went back upstairs to go power pack. We got a hold of Miranda and decided she was coming with us to the airport. So I'm done power-packing. I come put all my stuff downstairs. went upstairs to say goodbye to my cat, then came back downstairs to find all my stuff missing. K already put it in her car so we hightailed it to MIranda's house to pick her up. And we're on our way to the airport. It's 1 and the plane leaves at 2:19. LoL.

as we were getting into the airport I remembered something vitally important. My dad got me this CD radio alarm for Christmas that I can take with me to the dorms. Well, it wouldn't fit in my suitcase and my dad said I could just leave it downstairs and he could mail it. So that's spiffy. But I suddenly remembered I didn't see it when I came back downstairs. Krystle was like "I put it in the trunk." LoL! So I told her where the hide-a-key was outside my house. And just to take it in. Well yayfun.

Well Miranda, Krystle, and I enter into the airport. It's 1:30 now and my flight is delayed. (I checked in and checked my bag) We start arguing about what we want to eat for lunch. I kept saying I didn't care. But aggrivation set in and Miranda had to get to work soon anyway. So we had our hugs and goodbyes and they left. I stood in the long security line, finally got to the gate and they were bording. I got a seat. (I fly stand-by) and thus I'm on my way to Atlanta.

I land at a little after 4. I called up my mom and asked her to pick me up instead of me just taking a train to her office. because by the time I get my bag and ride up there, it'll be after 5 anyway. (she gets off work at 5) she said sure. I hang up with her and call my dad to tell him I landed. (I'm doing all this while walking down the concourse) anyway I get to baggage claim finally. In Atlanta airport, there are trains that go from concourse to concourse then to baggage claim. Well they were all booked solid so I had to wait around for a couple trains. I finally get one and I'm finally at baggage claim. I spot my suitcase and decide to take a trip to the restroom so I can change into jeans. (we can't wear denim when se fly stand-by. If we get a first class seat, they won't let us sit there. but it's worth not wearing jeans for a few hours just to ride in first class. I didn't get first class this time. I got a seat right behind first class with the extra leg room. That was good enough) anywho, I change into jeans, then put more make-up on because I looked like I've been riding in a plane for a few hours. (go figure) I was so tired. The whole ride up, I read Dragon Reborn. I'm almost half-way done. But reading makes me tired)

I start to realize I was starving. The only things I've had to eat all day were a little bit of popcorn in the morning and a bag of pretzels on the plane. So I go to Wendy's. I get a spicy chicken sandwhich and a medium Dr. Pepper. I take my seat. Before I begin eating, I called Krystle. "Hey did you find that Hide-a-Key?" (she was having problems following my directions when I was giving them to her) "I completely forgot. When I got home, and looked in my trunk I was like 'shit! shit!'" LoL! she doesn't live in Jupiter anymore. She lives an hour away in Port St. Lucie. She prolly won't get to Jupiter for another week or so. lol. oh well.

I hang up with Krystle and eat my Wendy's. I pull out my notebook and start working on the Sorceress. (the retro pen and paper thing. since I didn't have my lap-top) Inspiration finally got to me a couple days ago. I couldn't stop writing this scene. I was excited.

About 15 after five, I get outside to the pick-up/drop-off area. It was FREEZING outside. I was fine though until I sat on the concrete bench. I felt like I was sitting on ice. But I was so tired. I didn't feel like standing. Well I move benches so I can get a better view of the cars coming my way. I told my mom to call me when she gets close, but I had to look just to make sure. incase her cell went dead or something. Well a few minutes later, I couldn't stand sitting on that icecube anymore, so I pulled out a sweater from my suitcase and sat on that. Somehow, I felt a lot warmer after that. mom finally called. I was finally picked up and we were on our way home.

I sat there and blabbered away about mostly everything that I've been writing about so far. I ask about my lap-top. ... they forgot to leave a note on the door saying "leave the box." because they were never home when it came and the people turned around and left. (you put the damaged lap-top in the box they send. send it back to dell, they fix it and send it back to you) They finally remembered to do that and it was sent out yesterday. YESTERDAY grrr. which means I'm not getting it back for another week and a half. which means no Sorceress update because all my files are on that computer. more retro pen and paper.

but what really sux is I'm not going to have it when I move into the dorms. I'll have no internet access for a week and a half besides the computers at school. I'm not talking for personal reasons. I mean "hey i need to do homework." reasons. yes. I actually use my computer for other reasons besides fun stuff. I work. *gasp* and with this Dramatic Writing class I'm taking who knows what kind of stuff I need to do. which reminds me, I need to get a printer. I can't keep saving stuff to disk all that time. eesh. I have bad luck with disks.

anyway, we get home. and then a half hour later, leave for bowling. bunches of people there tonight. fun stuff. came back. they were all heading to Cruzers. I was dead tired so I asked if they can drop me off at home. they did, and I'm here now.

aighty I'm really tired. I'm heading out. plus, Lady's being all mopey because mom isn't home. I need to go give her attention.

latah y'all


previous entry: Sirius Black is in China 1/8/2004

next entry: complaints 1/11/2004

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