Time: 9:35pm
State of Being: kinda tired
Song lyric in my head: Open your eyes and see that life is beautiful
current desire: sleep
where am I?: sitting in bed
what's that noise?: Russ Lego playing Star Wars
To all my awesome fellow nerds and normality challenged people out there, happy national Star Wars Day!
anywho. Worked 9 to 5. I love working morning shifts. I'm usually the closer (1 to 9) except for one day a week now. It's nice to be out early. Russ took the day off work because he had a job interview for another place so when I got off, we went to the Chinese Buffet with the twins (his friends Dennis and Charles). The Chinese Buffet by out apt closed down last week. *sad face* We went there so often, they knew us and our drinks. lol. So we went to other a couple exits south from us.
So I'm probably gonna deck my bloop out with all kinds of Beatles goodness. I just need a faster internet connection. Maybe next week, i'll hit up Barnes and Nobles again. I usually go on my day off every Tuesday to do some job hunting and watch the previous week's Glee. My days off are usually Saturdays and Tuesdays. Russ usually has Saturdays off too, so I end up spending the day with him.
My friend Sarah's daughter, Maddie (Madison) is turning 3 on Saturday. That girl is so adorable. She loves Dora the Explorer so I bought a singing stuffed Dora doll for her. Partly because it's cute and she'll love it, partly because I know it will drive Sarah bonkers. LoL! It only plays one song. Mwahahahaha...! I'm devious. But it really is adorable. Maddie's birthday party is on Saturday and there's gonna be a BBQ party at a park.
Spencer is turning One on Saturday too. Spencer is my friend Jilly's baby who's up in VA now with his butthead father. I don't think that I mentioned Jilly made me Spencer's Godmother. I think I started crying when she told me. Spencer has two Godmothers. SarahJean (different Sarah) who lives up in VA, and me down in FL. Now I have a Goddaughter (my friend Rory's daughter), and a Godson. I feel so blessed. .. So I bought Spencer a cute little happy one year card. and I typed him up a little letter that I hope his dad will read to him. I'm half expecting him to throw it out. But still. I love my Godson. And miss that little smiley face so much. I can't wait until Jilly kicks his ass in court in June. Then Spencer gets to go home.
Speaking of June. I have a family reunion coming up. I'm so excited. I get a whole week off of work. And PAID too! because I racked up vacation hours. mwahahaha...! In the past.. two or three years, I haven't had more than 3 days off of work in a row. And my 3 days was last year for my friend and old roommate Christina's wedding. I had a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I drove 8 or 9 hours up to GA on Friday. The Wedding was Saturday. Drove back on Sunday. Then worked Monday. LoL! Two years ago. I had 5 days off to go visit my mom during my Spring Break. That was nice. Maybe once a month or once every two months, I get two consecutive days off. So this WHOLE week, is going to be amazing. We're going to Colorado. All my family on my dad's side. Been saving up some money since last year when I was told about this. lol. But I'm really excited. Kinda nervous to be around my whole family again. I'm dragging Russ up there too so he can meet everyone and they can meet him. I hear there's a train ride dinner scheduled. Amongst other fun stuff..
anywho I guess that's it for now.