An Entry With An Enthusiastic Beginning And A Tired Ending | 01/09/2013 |
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9th January 2013, 4.44 PM.
An Entry With An Enthusiastic Beginning And A Tired Ending Hey people!
I have so many things to write about! Well, maybe not so much, but I'll have to type for quite a while.
Where should I start? Well, I guess I'll start at Sunday. Remember my entry "My Father, My Grandmother, And Me!"? Well, it turned out that we were not going to my grandmother's house but instead, we were going to the beach. It was my grandmother's birthday at that time. Well, not actually, since her birthday was on last Friday, but we celebrated it on Sunday anyway. So we went to the West Coast, bringing a big cake box that contained an ice-cream cake from Swensen's! It was quite windy that time. I regretted niot bringing a kite but my mom told me that she'd already told my brother to find one. He couldn't which was a little annoying to me, since I had a kite right inside my room. But I hadn't brought it 'cause I hadn't known that we were going to the West Coast. Even if I had known, I would'nt have thought of bringing it anyway. And also, the string had broke. But the most annoying thing, was that the wind was POWERFUL!!! The last time we went here, we'd brought the kite here (before the string broke), there was absolutely no wind at all. Huh! That's life for you, I guess. So the cake was Oreo flavour and it was pretty much like Cookies and Cream, except that it's Oreos.
9th January 2013, 9.42 PM.
Hey people. I had to stop typing, and go do stuff like eating, bathing, praying, doing homework. I'm not sure if I can finish this entry since I'm nowhere near ending it. Better hurry up my typing then.
So I guess that's pretty much all about Sunday. Maybe there's more but I don't have enough time to be long-winded, unfortunately. Anyway! Remember in one of my earlier entries, where I ranted complained about how so little comments (that was most probably in one of my earliest entries) I got? Well, Atropos told me not to take it personally and that most of the adults here don't really...I don't know, experience stuff that's happening in my life or whatever (sorry, I'm kind of tired so I might be writing junk like a boss ). When I started this Journal, I was thinking that maybe the adults/teenagers here might dig up their childhood and have something there that relates to what I'm typing I making sense? I hope so, 'cause I really am not entirely sure of what I'm typing about at the moment.
Hmm, maybe I'll continue writing about this week this weekend, where I'd probably feel much more fresher and write like a pro. Haha, just kidding. I'm not that pro-ish at writing. But anyway, I do want to write about something that happened today. Well, during our Tarbiyah-English lesson, Far-Away Honey told me that she was feeling sleepy for like, the first time in her life (according to her). I mean that she was feeling sleepy during a lesson for the first time. I think it was most probably because of the air-conditioner. But anyway, she told me to talk to her to keep her awake. Well, I love to talk, so I immediately took up the offer. At first, I told her random things and nonsense ('cause I'm good at talking nonsense ) but then suddenly a random story popped into my head. I'll try to write it here exactly as I told her.
Actually, no, on second thoughts, I won't because I simply am too tired to remember the whole thing. Anyway, I've finished reading Wilderness, and am now reading Mr Good Enough by Lori Gottlieb. It's another one of my favourites. I was gonna write a little bit about the book, but as I said, I'm tired.
Hope you had a great day, everyone!
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