I am looking for a job like that do you think you can tell me where you found that job.
[valencia ]
I don't blame you for just staying there..and winter should go away now. I'm sick of it. I can drive in the snow now lol had lots of practice those few days with all the back and forth, so I'm not so scared anymore, but I do hate being cold..
[Unauthorized ]
Ben's sister spoils her kid...he gets more tech in one christmas then I do in 5 years..He's around 10, and he has all the gameboy/nintendo ds models, a psp, a portable dvd player, 2 tvs, a ps2, xbox, wii....that I know of. Oh, and he got a cell phone the other day. He's an only child, and she always wanted another but never had one, so she spoils him..I hope to not do that to Alex. I think it is the parent's way of showing off, and it's pretty sad, adults feeling like they have to be that way for whatever reason..
grocery shopping takes us all day now it feels like. Besides banking, and everything else we have to do, we always go to Walmart, Kroger, and save a lot so we can get the best deals. I'm cheap...lol
That's pretty cool that you can get a grant to buy him developmental toys..but it sucks it comes with a deadline..I guess everything like that probably does though. In the hopes someone will get it and not use it..
[Unauthorized ]
Yay for having heat!!! Maybe he just really didnt want to go to work?
[bella dama ]
Happy thanksgiving tomorrow! hope the rest of your shift goes well..
[Unauthorized ]
Sounds like a busy day ahead for you tomario have fun!!!
[bella dama ]
I know at first, with the heater, I was concerned, but wanted it fixed. After it was fixed I started thinking..wow, what if it had exploded or something? Which is why I shouldn't think too much about those things lol
I have a theory on deer that jump out in front of vehicles..I think they are sick deer and about to die, so in an attempt to take out someone else with them, they play in traffic..I'm sure hunting season will drive even more of them out into the roads. Not looking forward to that.
And, we aren't lucky enough to have self check out lanes yet believe it or not lol actually a couple years ago when I went with Ben to scranton, I was amazed by it..I had never seen or heard of them before he worked up there. we need them though..I swear if I could buy everything I needed online and just run in and pick it up, or have it shipped to me, I would do that. It's so funny, these women will quickly remind you what manners are if you are rude, but if they are rude, it's supposed to be perfectly fine.
anyway, guess i should be cleaning-again, I also have lots of laundry to do..
[Unauthorized ]
How old is kayliegh? Niko got into chocolate when he was younger and he turned out alright 
Ugh I hate bills!!!!
[bella dama ]
Ahhh wet diaper stuff, how uncomfortable!
Good luck with the job application!
[bella dama ]
Ryc: I think I wanna wait till next year to see Harry Potter, I want to see pt 1 & 2 back to back lol
[bella dama ]
I say you crack the whip next time and tell that man to get outta bed! 
good luck with spencer's appointment hope it goes well
Yay for a new furnature set
Good luck with the speech evaluation tomorrow!!!
[bella dama ]
What center to you donate at.... I use to work for Grifols Biomat.
Daylight savings is a blessing in fall. Only because we gain an hour It's giving me an extra hour to do my homework (don't ask me why I'm on here, because I don't know..) so that's pretty.. well.. not as much fun as I'd like.