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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady


work seriously?!?!?

this sounds like the crap they pulled when I worked at the daycare centers. Hoping things will ease up for you. /b>

[Ethan James]

fully vaccinated... and just over trying to find a job.

Oh goodness, I hope they do call you back at the very least. I’m glad you were vaccinated, i got my second shot a couple of months ago. ☺️

[Ethan James]

heres a summary of my last few weeks except for moms low blood sugar episode...

Is your mom okay? My mother is diabetic and i keep telling her that she needs to freaking take care of herself, but she never listens. AVON has been around forever. I remember when i was little, i was afraid of her avon lady, whinnie. For some reason every time I saw her i cried and ran out of the room.

[Ethan James]


Goodness, I'm sorry.

[Ethan James]

mom heart cath

it might've been. My SIL lost her job when the pandemic started, and she was able to focus on the online school thing with my nephew.

[Ethan James]

anyone work at doing door dash???

Well, I've ordered from Doordash. It's expensive with the tip and delivery fee.

[Ethan James]

Employed for a week!?!? What was the point?

sadly, 2020 has been an unexpected shitty year.

[Ethan James]

Employed for a week!?!? What was the point?

I'm sorry, that sucks

[Greta Garbage]

start work monday!:)


[Greta Garbage]

Election day- nojomo day 3

I don’t mind people becoming career politicians eventually, but feel like they should do something productive like teach, or wait-tables, or manage a store or something first. A lot of our UK politicians are out-of-touch with a working, normal world which they’ve never been a part of. And as much as I’d like to see massive, immediate change, I’m happy to go for slow progressive change in its absence. What are the big changes you’d like to see?

My Dad goes on and on and on about how politicians shouldn’t be paid at all, but that would just eliminate anyone who wasn’t super-rich from running, which is the opposite from what we need - but I agree: they shouldn’t be amassing vast wealth. Nobody should! Nobody needs that amount of money, surely?
In most of Europe there are laws on how much money a campaign can spend which is useful as it attempts to equalise the race by ensuring that those with the most money don’t have the largest reach.

[The Ryan]

nojomo day 1 pet peeves

LOL One day my phone rang and I look and its my phone number! I was laughing so hard. They would try anything to get you suckered in. The other day I prequalified for a free vacation because they received an application I never put in and I told him to go peddle his scam somewhere else. These people are the worse. I also hate when people go to everyone but me when they have an issue with me. How do I solve the problem? lol

[Greta Garbage]

soooo phone interview scheduled!

Good luck, yo!

[The Ryan]

Avon Annaversary 9 years!

Happy Avon anniversary! I didn't know that the company was 134 years old! Interesting! I may stop by and check your link out. My coworker sold but she just retired lol

[Greta Garbage]

Avon Annaversary 9 years!

My mom used to have a “Avon lady” when I was younger that I was afraid of. I don’t know why, but every time I saw her, I would cry and she was such a nice lady. I’m known to buy Avon sometimes 😀

[Ethan James]

Avon Annaversary 9 years!

A genuinely honest question: do you make more money with Avon by selling the products, or recruiting other people to sell the products?

[Anonymous Source]

is it weird?

Ooooh. No, no, no. My husband is a "cyber security analyst" and he says calls like that are scammers.

[Ethan James]

is it weird?

yes that is a good idea! put their number in Google and see what comes up

[Greta Garbage]

is it weird?

sounds fishy to me. I don't blame you. If they can't answer what website, it's a scam

[Greta Garbage]

is it weird?

Could go either way I support. Do a reverse look up on the number?


vitural Avon convention

yay! How exciting!

[Ethan James]

Advertisment comments?

how do i turn that off? or make sure that i've turned it off...

[The Avon Lady]

Advertisment comments?

Turning off public comments should resolve it

Advertisment comments?


[Ethan James]

Advertisment comments?

Yep, it’s so annoying


Advertisment comments?

It's everyone I think.


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