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by .CattFish.
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by .CattFish.

previous entry: custom paint!! +pictures!+

next entry: graduation irritation!

donations for the lawfully abused? lol. +pictures+


title here !

I'm doing the slimfast diet!!!! it seems really good!! i drink one in the morning, eat a healthy snack (or 2) before lunch, then eat a good lunch, eat some more snacks i between lunch and supper, then drink another slimfast when i get around to it. right now i got one box of chocolate and one box of french vanilla. ive only had a chocolate today. but im takin a vanilla to work tonight. i bought me an 8 lb weight so i can stop using rhett's. lol. his were too heavy. :/ he always fussed at me cause if you use too much weight, it causes stretch marks. which, i really dont want. he has a stretch mark. and i'll make fun of it sometimes. but he knows im kidding. im in a pretty good mood today! no particular reason!

Last semester, i had art and i made an AWESOME!!!! acrylic painting! and my teacher, mr morgan put it and a couple others in a BIG art show at the chuck mathena center. (no i didnt win squat, but i dont think it was that kind of show...) well, i finally got to take it home!! i'll show you the original picture, the picture after i put some effects on it, and the actualy painting.

like omg! i got a ticket the other day!!!! i live in west virginia, but im really close to the virginia border. well, radar detectors are legal in wv, but not in va. so everytime i go to va i turn it off. sounds good, right? well Officer G.W. Bailey had otherwise to say. I didnt think he was going to give e a ticket cause i didnt know i had to TOTALLY take it out of my window. and he said alright and when the pipsqueak FINALLY came back, he had me sign a paper. but i think i can get it taken down to at least a warning. rhett's aunt sandy works at the tazewell county police station... she said for me to talk to the sheriff. and im going to do just that! lol. its $101!!!! sorry, but i dont have that money to just be THROWING out. i am currently accepting donations. my court date is july 1st! lol. im kinda kidding... but kinda not. lol..

i really need to write a 'gay marriage' entry. lol. i think that every single person on bloop has one. no lie. thats all i ever see. so tonight at work or somethin, i'll write one. i read the readers choice one. the WHOLE thing. lol. she had some good points. anyway, im not getting into it right now. i gotta put makeup on and do my hair for work. and put on a nicer shirt. lol. im wearing a cut off hooters shirt at the moment. (actually the same one that i was wearing in my painting picture!)





previous entry: custom paint!! +pictures!+

next entry: graduation irritation!

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cute picture!!!

i just saw one... theres a picture. yay on the ticket, and the slim fast... i heard about it but i never really tried it lol.

iwill be keeping my eye out fo ryour gay marriage a few bloopers (or alot i dk) already written one i know i did.. but it never gets old for me i had a nasty comment or two saying "uhh... someone already did this" and im like "" ill be looking forward to that one!

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

Awesome REALLY cool

[Kerri♥BlueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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