People in a relationship usually experience different stages, like ambiguity, sweet, plain and run-in period. I really don't think I have ever had any sweet times in the relationships. Most of the time, it is a plain relationship. I wouldn't expect a hot or roaring love. I long for a plain and sweet connection. You don't have to do anything earthshaking to me or us. Little romantic things are enough. Long-term care for each other is more requisite. Apparently, it is not easy for him to thoroughly get into my life. Actually, I may not have my own life yet.
What do you think of our relationship? Which stage does it come to? No more sharing, no more effective communication. It may lead us to treat our connection as chore or routine. Is keeping in touch everyday really hard? If the answer is yes, it proves that the two individuals are two separate entities.
Just think of it as withdrawl reaction.