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MaMa To ThE mOsT bEaUtiFuL BoYs iN tHe WoRlD
by MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS
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MaMa To ThE mOsT bEaUtiFuL BoYs iN tHe WoRlD
by MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS

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got them back


So my mom ended up leaving work early because she was so worried that tez would do something crazy with the kids, and we went n got them n thank god tez wasnt there so his mom ended up giving them to me.. idk what im gunna do from this point, i think i may just file for full custody with no visitation.

to give some info on why all this shit even started.. i have some trust issues with tez because he has cheated n has given me a disease, and we just have problems with females period. well tez used to have a lock on his phone where you needed a 3 digit numb to unlock it and he finally took it off so i thought we were heading in a good direction because i always felt he had it to just hide shit, well randomly he started locking it again so one night i decided with my no life self that i would figure out the code i literally sat there and tried every possible combo until i got it like 111,112,113,114 n so on lol well i finally got it and low n behold he had been texting some girl and i cant see his sent messages but from what her messages were saying he was telling here he was going to move out and get his own place so i took it upon myself to text her as him and tell her they couldnt talk anymore n will i said some mean things so a couple days later she said something to her (all these bitchs be so on his dick they wont leave him alone even if he ignores them) and he changed his code well again i figured it out and then randomly there was another numb that he would talk to on the phone literally all day at work, i whitepaged it n found out it was a house so i never called it i decided to just ask tez to honestly tell me if he was talking to any girls and of course he lies and swears up n down he isnt, i gave him about a week to stop talking to her or just tell me the truth well he didnt and then i guess she got a cell n started texting him, he literally only talks to this girl when he is at work, he would ignore her when im around. well i texted it because i just wanted to know what was going on because there some reason he is lying about it and being so secretive and she was a huge bitch so that didnt work n then the stupid girl starts calling my phone playing on it saying shes pregnant by him and just calling my phone asking for tez and thinking its funny. so i got pissed and we fought but then everything was fine and i thought he would stop but no he didnt n then 2 days later she calls me and tells me that he said he is going to stop talking to her and that he been trying to fuck with her and that he talks all this shit to her about me so i told him either call her n tell her to lose his number or leave and he wouldnt leave so i got angry and just flipped out n tez just flipped to, he went as far as choking me so right there was the end for me, i always told myself i will never let a man put his hands on me and stay with him so the next night i packed up all his shit and tried to take it to him but he wouldnt take it so i said im throwing it away but i just hid it, well he came the next day to get his stuff (this was on sat) and i told him i threw it away and so he starts destroying my house and this is what made me call the cops the first time and they said they couldnt do anything but tell him to leave which he did and i even gave him most his stuff well he was so mad i called the cops n whatever but i didnt care because he was messing with all my stuff.. n then he came back sunday and thats when he took the kids.. so all this shit over a fucking female, and maybe it is my fault because i got so mad about it but thats all i ask of tez is to not talk to females, n if he doesnt we literally have the best relationship but now thats over. i feel like i wasted the last 2 years of my life, i did so much shit for him and put up with all the bullcrap he put me thru over the years.. and the reason i dont want him around my kids is because he has low patience tolerance and if he can go as far to put his hands on me then who is to say he wont on the kids. and he swears up n down he never put his hands on me but when you have someone on the ground with your hands around their neck in my book that qualifies as his hands on me... im not gunna lie im very hurt and upset about it all because i love him to death and i just hope i can be strong enough to not let him back in our lives
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aww babe im so sorry i have been there, well not with the female thing but dan did that violent shit to me over and over and i just took it like an idiot you are so smart and strong for getting out of that, i respect you so much for it! and i'm so relieved you got the kids back!!!

[I♥L♥YStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh Im so sorry hun! Im so happy that you got them back! I hope you can be strong too! You dont need someone like that.

[Newmommy09Star|0 likes] [|reply]

thank god u got ur babies back. OMG I cannot believe the police where u live. If ppls dogs here bark to loud the cops are there with the quickness. Im sorry u had to go through something like that. I am glad u were strong enough to throw him out.

[Mami 2 Moisesito|0 likes] [|reply]

wow, i so didnt expect him to turn out like that, im glad you got your kids back though,

[�Chancellor St.Blue�|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank god Jen, i am so glad you got your kids back! Do whatever it takes so he doesnt get them!

[*Crazed*Momma*of*3*|0 likes] [|reply]

OMG! GIRL!! You want me to cross the river and whoop his ass cause I will!!! OK THE POLICE OVER THERE NEED SOME TRAINING OR SOMETHING! that shit is ridiculous! Yeah it is a major city but damn he abused you and they said they could not do anything that is straight bullshit!....& I am so glad you got the kids back & he is gone!

[♥BB�Star|0 likes] [|reply]

See that is why I don't trust any man at all. They tell too many lies and do it with too many girls. I'm so glad you got your kids back though. I hope you can be strong though cuz there's no excuse for him to choke you like that.

[already goneღStar|0 likes] [|reply]

so glad the kids are back with you now!!

[Gemini June Bugs|0 likes] [|reply]

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