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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: is it weird?

next entry: soooo phone interview scheduled!

Avon Annaversary 9 years!


so today was my Avon Annversary i started selling 9 years ago today… thats just crazy! Avon is now 134 years old as a business.  things have changed alot in those years we now offer more than just perfumes.  we have fashion, makeup, skincare, house hold things, bath n body,   Hair products .. toothpaste  hand soap and pain cream a  little  bit of everything.

shop online or check out the digital brochure on mywebsite



Shop online at

previous entry: is it weird?

next entry: soooo phone interview scheduled!

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A genuinely honest question: do you make more money with Avon by selling the products, or recruiting other people to sell the products?

[Anonymous SourceStar|0 likes] [|reply]

My mom used to have a “Avon lady” when I was younger that I was afraid of. I don’t know why, but every time I saw her, I would cry and she was such a nice lady. I’m known to buy Avon sometimes 😀

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Happy Avon anniversary! I didn't know that the company was 134 years old! Interesting! I may stop by and check your link out. My coworker sold but she just retired lol

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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