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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: struggling

next entry: heres a summary of my last few weeks except for moms low blood sugar episode...

eventfull week...


so my mom had her first supper low blood sugar ever.. i heard her hollaring for me, and found her out of her chair nose in her needle box, on her side. wish i had taken a picture.  ended up calling 911... ems took her sugar 13!!! she has never been that low ever! so she was taken by ambulance to the hospital where they found out she had fluid in chest cavity and double up on meds.. so all in all a blessing in disguse she got home yesterday... still on for her heart stint on the 4th tho...  My avon customers know my moms having a procedure and to order online if possible. 


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previous entry: struggling

next entry: heres a summary of my last few weeks except for moms low blood sugar episode...

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