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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: nojomo day 1 pet peeves

next entry: Election day- nojomo day 3

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why? NOjomo day 2


how judemental and intolerent people are of others. serisously if the higher power wanted us all to be the same  we wouldn't be able to make choices. Seriously look at all the unrest in the USA right now. USA was founded by immigrants wanting a better life and yet now we can't even get along with our neighbors cus of race/ relgion / etc.  i bet the founding fathers are rolling in their graves at the state we are in, because no one can say oh hey you believe something different than me thats kewl and go on about their day.


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previous entry: nojomo day 1 pet peeves

next entry: Election day- nojomo day 3

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