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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: how does one find a job during this pandemic?

next entry: Advertisment comments?

so job hunting still



Illinios still under shelter in place till end of May, mandatory face mask beinging may 1st in public gatherings… seriously over this shit.

Helped with homeschooling nephew this week  exhausting. 2 yr old nephew wouldn’t nap would scream after lunch, and the 5 yr old didn’t want to do his school work… joy …. but did help them write letters to grandma so worth it maybe:?

Avon deliveries tomorrow.. so excited they sent a new product laundry sheets excited to try.

check out the link:  we have cbd oil products, lots of new things just excited to try!


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previous entry: how does one find a job during this pandemic?

next entry: Advertisment comments?

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