this wod was terrible. Luckily I didn't push myself that hard because I could have easily gotten really hurt.
Here is the WOD as written:
50 box-jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettle-bell swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push-cleans
50 hip extensions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders.
I did 35 reps of everything.
I don't hurt.....yet.... but I will. I need to do more lunges everytime i work out.
I've plateaued on the scale, but I haven't really been trying hard. I cheat all the time now, but i'm still between 174-176---which is nice to know that I'm keeping off the weight even though I'm eating kinda shitty.
Technically I'm still "over-weight" (according to the health people) and need to loose 10 more lbs to be "normal". I may consider doing this after my vacation/birthday/moving/etc.
This Wednesday will be a total cheat day because it's my birthday and I want pie, dammit! |