1. I am twenty years old.
2. My name is Karissa.
3. I have light blue eyes.
4. If I could have one wish, it would be to not have to worry about money.
5. My friends see me as a shoulder to cry on.
6. I would like to be known for my caring personality.
7. The first thing I think of when I wake up is what I have to do today.
8. One day I would like to have children.
9. Two things I would like to achieve now are go back to school & buy my motorcycle.
10. I may be bad at committment but I still want to try things with Cory.
11. My heros are my parents.
12. I like to sleep all day long on my days off.
13. What really annoys the heck out of me is people not finishing their thoughts/stories.
14. To keep a family together, you must love each other unconditionally.
15. I would like to be famous for helping children.
16. I would everyone to know that I found my soulmate at a rollarskating rink.
17. In the days of my youth, I regret nothing.
18. My friends are important to me because without them, I wouldn't be who I am.
19. If I were to write a story about my life, the title would be Chaos.
20. When I am on the computer, the first thing I do is check my email.
21. The type of music I listen to most is mix CDs.
22. The music I like least is screamo!
23. When I die, I would like to be cremated and spread in all the oceans.
24. My main reasons for living today is my family & friends.
25. If I were to censor one thing on tv, it would be nothing.
26. A couple bad habits I would like to break are talking too much and thinking too much.
27. My life has been truely amazing.
28. I learned that life can be as simple as you make it..
29. I took this survey because I was intrigued by figuring out where the blanks were.