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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Lalalalalalalaa

next entry: Randoms + Picture of Goats. :]



4 last songs listened to:

4 things you did today:
1. Heard my baby's heartbeat
2. Ate at Applebee's
3. Watched the NBA finals
4. Played with my new goat, Hank.

4 animals you love:
1. Elephants
2. Dogs
3. My goats
4. Zebras

4 things you have to do/should be doing:
1. Sleep
2. Organize
3. Clean out my car
4. Update my budget

4 people who mean a lot to you right now:
1. Devon
2. Kai
3. My mom
4. Sam

4 things you want:
1. A million dollars
2. A healthy son in mid-October
3. The wood floors re-finished magically
4. My allergies to go away forever!

4 last sent text messages:
1. I love you too babe. Sleep well.
2. Yeah.
3. I'm still upset with you.
4. She's definitely a Hank.

4 last recieved text messages:
1. I'm going to go to bed, I love you so much. Sleep well!
2. Are you in your room?
3. Why aren't you talking?
4. You got a new... goat?!

4 foods last eaten:
1. Chocolate covered strawberry
2. Steak
3. BBQ chicken
4. Garlic mashed potatoes

4 TV shows/movies watched last:
1. The Hills
2. Chelsea Lately
3. E! News
4. Chopped

4 favorite websites:
1. Bloop
2. Facebook
3. Yahoo
4. Givesmehope

4 things to look forward to:
1. Decorating the baby's room
2. Spending time with my nieces
3. Finally having my baby
4. Moving out on our own again.

4 things you are doing tomorrow:
1. Cleaning my room
2. Laundry
3. Washing my car
4. Playing with the goats.

4 things you're gonna do after this survey:
1. Watch TV
2. Play with this baby in my belly
3. Find my puppy
4. Go to sleep?!

4 lyrics from favorite songs:

4 of your favorite fruits:
1. Watermelon
2. Strawberries
3. Blackberries
4. Banana

4 of your favorite words:
1. Fuck.
2. Awesome
3. Seriously?
4. FAIL.

4 of your favorite electronics:
1. Cell phone
2. Computer
3. iPod
4. TV

4 of your favorite sports:
1. Basketball
2. Baseball
3. Football
4. Soccer

4 of your favorite bands:

4 of your favorite actors:
1. Robin Williams
2. Jim Carrey
3. Michael Cera
4. Seth Rogan

4 favorite types of surveys:
1. Randoms
2. Lasts/Currents
3. Themed
4. Countdowns?

4 emotions/physical feelings you are feeling right now:
1. Baby kicks
2. Allergy attacks
3. Loneliness
4. Sleepiness

crayon box

previous entry: Lalalalalalalaa

next entry: Randoms + Picture of Goats. :]

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i must echo whoever sent you that text message... a new goat?

Why do i feel all of a sudden like i know nothing about you? Halfway to term with a baby, goats everywhere...

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