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In the Twisted Mind of A twisted Person
by x_explosive_x

previous entry: Just so you can see

next entry: Wedding Bells Soon!!!



The New year Is upon Us

I want to start off by saying Happy New Year to everyone who reads this.

Now every year I have never had/made any resolutions but this year I think I will brake that cycle and make a few.

Here are my resolutions:

  • Get one game released.

  • I need this to start my portfolio.

  • Keep Dan happy and well.

  • I love him and don't want anything to happen top him.

  • Learn HTML again.

  • I learned it about 6 or 7 years ago and now I have forgotten most of it.

  • To sort CDF out so I can continue with my course.

  • A long story which basically ends in stress.

  • Read at least 30 book this year.

  • I need and want to start reading again.

  • Pass my driving test.

  • I want to get driving again and it will come in very handy for what me and Dan want to do.

  • Learn how to use Poi-Poi correctly.

  • I have always wanted to learn how to use them so why not this year.

That is all I can think of for now. Will add more if I can think of any later.

I will keep this updated on how I get on.

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previous entry: Just so you can see

next entry: Wedding Bells Soon!!!

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ryc:: It's COLD! Cold cold cold haha. Merry Christmas to you too. I was nosey and on your deviant art page and I love your tattoo!

[.:Kitty:.|0 likes] [|reply]

[They call me O|0 likes] [|reply]

No cos they didn't seem to have many kids in, they didn't even want me to stay ha. Not that I would have

[Acid FairyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

thank you for the birthday wish!

[i SEE A STAR*|0 likes] [|reply]

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