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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: capturing the moster previously released.

next entry: I believe there is something here to be learned of grace.

She laced her perfume up with death. I feel it in my lungs. So I'll pull in the deepest breath, and drop my head.


This poem is about saying goodbye to the razorblade mistress.

"A toast to today"

Medication to bless
Hesitation to rest
And I'm alive with this beautiful darkness.
We're laughing at them,
But I'd love to pretend
That this place in my chest is still heartless.
Now I'm gasping for air
Shotgun blasts of despair
Awake while the world is sleeping
Now there's no one around
So I drop my head down
And monitor the progress of these urges, creeping
down through my lungs,
From the tip of my tongue,
Its this place that I'm becoming.
Warm next to the lioness
A team of scientists
Shut down for lack of funding
A toast to today..,
Drive the light away.
This razor in my mouth is rusting
My eyes fade to grey.
A toast to today.
My beloved solitude now disgusting.
Still a little more to write
But I'm too weak to fight
So I fold my hands and sigh
Cold like scissors' blades
Ethereal like the youth that fades
Ominous, like the sound of "goodbye."

previous entry: capturing the moster previously released.

next entry: I believe there is something here to be learned of grace.

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