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by Koofy

previous entry: A Poem By Someone known as Delicious Ambiguity

next entry: Third post in like thirty minutes

This is for myself....


Today I found out some really interesting things...

I found out somethings about someone that made me want to cry because of the terribleness of the situation. To know that said person saw what they saw, to know that he almost did what he wanted/craved for, to only have it taken it away from him as fast as it could've been. "It is 10 35."

I found out I can hit a note that most boys cannot hit even if they've been working at singing their whole lives. I may be sharp, I may be flat, but I hit it.

I found out I don't need a boy to be happy, though it hurts every single time I think of what could've been. Even though it hurts when you see your new interest, interested in someone else. I only need my friends. My family. Myself. The universe.

The poem I posted before this entry is really meaning to me. I strive to make people happy.. It makes me happiest when I know I've helped someone get to that place of contentment.

I don't exactly know what is going to happen to me. All I know, is I wanna live while I'm alive.

previous entry: A Poem By Someone known as Delicious Ambiguity

next entry: Third post in like thirty minutes

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That's right you don't need a boy to make you happy! <3 you.

im not miserable, but im not happy. im not strong but im not weak.
im not rude but im not polite. im not popular but im not a loner. im
not sexy but im not horrid. im not dumb but im no genius. im not
you but im me, accept it.

[Kayra♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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