We had to put my cat to sleep almost 2 weeks ago (when we took him to the vet) He was in kidney failure which just added onto his list of medical problems. He was only weighing 7.3lbs which is fucking terrible. He wasn't even gaining weight at all, no matter how much food I gave him and with the vitamins he was taking. My mom had discussed the day before what we would do if he was that sick and we both agreed that we would put him to sleep. I definitely did not want him to suffer. So we called my dad and we all said our goodbyes to him. My dad actually cried. We picked up his ashes last week and they are now in the living room, which is where he used to hang out all the time.
We actually got 2 kittens yesterday from the animal shelter. My brother really needs having a pet and since we can't have a dog yet, he decided on two kittens. They're both girls, and he's named them Nessie (yes, like the Lochness monster) and Zoey. We have to pick them up from the vet tomorrow.
I've been ridiculously sick for the past week or so and didn't do my math homework. So now of course I'm freaking out and trying to get it done today before my math lab. I have 2-3 sections to do, which I'm obviously not looking forward to. In fact, I haven't even started yet.
I'm house sitting until Sunday. Taking care of Digby (dog) and Talula (cat). They're both super awesome and Digby is SUPER sweet. Talula is a HUGE drooler, but super hilarious.
Anyway just thought I'd give a short update. I have to do homework now. Blah!
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