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Perfectly Abnormal
by zenith.

previous entry: we're just hanging out in this town.

next entry: went the distance

words you scribbled on the walls



We got the call Friday from the vet's office that Nena's ashes were ready to be picked up so on Saturday mom and I went and took the box with her ashes home. I'm rather happy that she's FINALLY home with us. I put her collar and bandana next to the box too. Eventually I'm going to put my grandpa's stuff there too. I do feel much better now that we have them though...I'm happier and I just feel like she's in a really good place now.

I am officially off my Depo. I don't know when I'll get back on it but for now I'm just happy without it. My hormones were driving me crazy while I was on it too. Although I'm sure I'll get back on it when I start getting my period and cramps again. I wish I could permanently remove my ovaries without having a good medical reason besides the fact that I hate them.

We gave a bath to Kittie on Friday. He had SO many fleas despite us giving him flea meds. Between my brother and I, we picked at least 100 fleas off my cat. It was terrible! They started crawling on his face so my brother and I were working as fast as we could to get them out of there. Of course my cat didn't help much either...he was crying so loud, the neighbors were wondering WTF was going on, and he kept hiding under my arms. Eventually he bit my hand and clawed my arms a little. But he's flea-free now and I don't know what to do. I don't want to use stronger flea meds because he's already sick as it is and I don't know how they'll affect him. However if I don't use them, he's going to keep getting them. Bah.

I have a lot of work stuff to do today. But I think I'm going back to sleep for a bit more. I went to bed super late, woke up really early and I'm exhausted. And for some weird reason I'm freezing cold even though it's super hot outside.

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previous entry: we're just hanging out in this town.

next entry: went the distance

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