David Archuleta = <3
Another week gone by and I cannot believe it. Time is just absolutely blazing by and I just can't even fathom that I've been here since August 24th. It just makes no sense to me. I cannot wrap my mind around this huge gap of time.
Classes have been alright. I have to do this stop motion animation for film and I
hate animating. It sucks. But, on the plus side, I've declared an emphasis! I decided on Documentary/Non-Fiction film making and I'm really excited. Plus, I have a few elective courses that I can take that I can also tailor to meet some Fiction film making requirements. I'm pumped.
Kelsey and Amanda are coming up on Wednesday also with Jill, and I'm SO excited. I haven't seen Kelsey in forever and I've missed Amanda like crazy! It'll also be nice to see Jill. (: Plus, spring break starts on Friday, so I'm heading home with them and it's just wonderful!
The only bad part of my week was that I started my period and I felt super nauseous and the cramps were HORRID on the first day. It was nearly unbearable. I haven't had that rough of a period in a while. Definitely brought down my mood.
Also, I just checked my e-mail and I got an offer for the position that I applied for at the beginning of the year, got turned down after the personal interview and also applied again, got another personal interview, never got a response, and now I have a job? I don't know, I'm happy that I hopefully have a job now! (:
Well, I've been doing good updating every week, and I'm hoping to keep up with it!
Well, bye for now Bloop!
Brittney <3