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by ceruleandolphin

previous entry: Holy Crap a month?

next entry: ms. moo's challenge

not a month


Well the house is now buggered.

We found out last weekend that there was no way we could make the new payments. The loan would be un-approved. Which is fine it had soared to $713 per month anyway. I can get a damned nice brick home for that kind of dough.

Memorial Day is tomorrow. My Gran-Gran served in WWII in the Sea of Japan.

where is the picture going to be? that would be nice to know.

Many thanks to all our service men and women.

James had his SOL's this week. The first time that he has taken them on the computer so hopefully we will have results a lot sooner as well.

I have applied for two teaching positions with the city. We shall see. Teaching is crazy hard to get a job.

Thank you Virginia for ruining my dream with education cut backs and neglect of the educational system in general.

i need to go and wake mike up now.

previous entry: Holy Crap a month?

next entry: ms. moo's challenge

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Pagan tag

Im sorry about the house babe xoxo

ASmazes me tho that your houses ARE so affordable. We have a very average three bedroom brick house, and our payments are 1800 a month.I would so love to NOT have a mortgage@!

[~*Pagan*~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Im sorry to hear the house went pearshaped. what the hell happened to make the price go up like that?
i also sorta gasped at only 713 a month- i have a morty from before house prices went nuts over here and its 630 a month and im considered blessed. now its like donna says.
people talk about buying houses in america over here.
that being said, joe average here doesnt out up with a minimum wage job hoping for tips.even Harley gets over $20 an hour working in the pub(bar)- lol when he can get it.

good luck getting a job. i beleive we're looking for teachers

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

*stares at Mandy's note*

20 dollars an hour at McDonalds??? Is that what she said?

oh, at a pub. But still...damn!!!!

I have become friends with someone in Belgium and they get TONS of vacation time! It's damned irritating.

Okay...I'm sorry about the house. Fnancing things sucks...I hate the entire process. So stressful.

Hang in there. i

[LIONESS|0 likes] [|reply]

I hope things work out with finding a house and a teaching job

~ Hugs ~

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

[ldyntrbl|0 likes] [|reply]

hey honey..just now catching up. or trying to. I'm so far behind! This married life is busy, let me tell ya! LOL

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

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