I'm not going to lie, today I feel like I'm being possessed by a PMS Monster. I'm moody, bloated, crampy and miserable! The worst part? I thought I was being proactive by buying a scale (because where I workout and do my weigh-ins is closed and I still wanna keep track of my progress) BUT boy was I wrong! It ruined my freaking day!! I weighed myself a couple days ago (I had to drop something off for a friend and I knew she had a scale); it showed 2lbs gained but that was to be excepted. I wasn't eating super well in my first week of isolation, and it was later in the day.
I stepped up my workout routine. I've been counting calories, I don't get my hot chocolate in the morning anymore (for about two weeks now), drinking an insane amount of water, so like I felt really good about this. I stepped on that scale and.... I GAINED TWO POUNDS IN TWO FUCKING AYS!!! Like what the actual heck?! I was feeling my freaking zhuzh until that moment in time. So, I tried to think about this rationally. I'm so close to my period, and the ladies that work where I go for my weigh-ins always tell me that women tend to fluctuate, especially around this time in their cycle. I mean, I understand that the week of bad eating would do this, but I also have been making the choices to not junk food and now I'm just discouraged. Cue the tears!
I have a bad habit of focusing on something so small like this and letting it ruin my day. It happens. This isolation business has thrown everyone off their game and I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way. So if nothing else, I can take solice in knowing that quite a bit of us are going to be facing little set backs! Silver lining I guess!!
Stay safe and wash your hands!!