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Put your future in good hands - your own. ~Author
by ConfidenceIsBeauty
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Put your future in good hands - your own. ~Author
by ConfidenceIsBeauty

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Day one without pop by Sarah


No more pop...

I normally would drink a pop starting work at 4:30 pm. Than after I got done drinking that, I would go to get another one, etc.
Maybe about one pop every hour, up until 10:00 pm.

I never really drink pop at home, just at work, so my first goal is to be to stop drinking pop at work.
I think it may have caused a lot of my weight gain.

Last night was my first night back to work since last week.
I told the guy I work next too that I was going to stop drinking pop.

So, I got a glass of water and tried drinking that during my shift.

Uhm, no.

It was way too boring.
While I was drinking the second sip, I about gagged.
There was nothing there.

The guy I work next too told me to try flavored water.
But flavored water tastes like watered down koolaid to me.

So, I had a small container of apple juice.

That isnt a good alternative, but I didnt have pop that whole night.

I wonder if that Pepsi Max 0 or something is an okay alternative.
Theres nothing in it, and the first ingredient (the majority of the pop) is carbonated water.

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Good luck giving up sodas. I tried but the lack of caffeine gave me migraines. lmao. I hope you can get it to work for you. I usually drink sweet tea and water

[xXTaBooXx|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm doing the same thing, and I've been off pop for like 3 weeks. After a while, it becomes natural to just grab water instead of pop, and it's a good feeling.

The Pepsi Max probably doesn't have as much sugar or calories, but guaranteed it's probably got aspartame and that's just as bad for you.

[serendipity.|0 likes] [|reply]

ooh good job sarah!
pepsi max is bad from what ive seen and heard.

[StaRRyEyDSupRizStar|0 likes] [|reply]

The soda habit is evil! I wouldn't get any diet sodas or anything like that. Maybe you can try all-natural sodas and non-caffienated drinks. I'm sure if you just cut down to only two sodas an night, then one soda and soon, you won't be drinking it anymore! Try adding lemon juice to your water, or if you're craving carbonation, try carbonated water, add some lemon and lime juice and it's like drinking a sprite... sorta... lol. Keep trying though. It's hard to break the soda habit. Another idea, which totally works for me because I'm a dork, is buy a really cool water bottle that keeps track of your ounces. I tend to drink more water when I can see how many ounces I've drank. It's weird, but it's the only way to get me to drink water. lol.

[something amazing.|0 likes] [|reply]

My best advice is juices. Good ones - like Juicy Juice. Good luck!

[Adria's Mum.|0 likes] [|reply]

I was a massive Coca-Cola addict, the only thing I found that worked for me was green cordial and I normally gag at just the thought of cordial but yea, that's what I have supplemented mine with, I was drinking more then 2 litres of coke a day and now I drink none except for when I'm out and then I will just have a 600ml bottle and that's all I will allow myself to have.
Juice can be REALLY bad for you as well.

[Caitiijay..xx..Star|0 likes] [|reply]

soda isn't good, all together.
i drink soda constantly, and i need to quit myself. very addicting.
try a gatorade or something to start with. i'd cut back slowly, 'cause you could get caffine headaches.
but the more water you drink, the more you'll get used to it. how about this, i'll even try quitting drinking it with you! (:
this dr. pepper will be the last one i'll drink 'n we can try it together.
but yes, soda is horrrrribbbleee 'cause of all the sugar in it.
one soda a day is fine, but after that, nope! (:

[♥ quotes|0 likes] [|reply]

no matter what they call it, diet sodas are diet sodas. And Diet sodas are actually worse than regualr soda, because of all the alternative ingredients.

try some wheatgrass juice.
its got some flavor, and a kick to it.

or coffee.
or different teas.

[[.:Shelbi:.]|0 likes] [|reply]

try carbonated flavored water? maybe that would be better?

[.Ban.Ignorance.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

oh.. also try very cold water and thru a straw. I know this may sound insane but I'm serious it helps. when you gulp water it does make you sick and warm water just makes me gag all togehter. So try lots of ice and water and a straw.

[.Ban.Ignorance.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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