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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk
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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: A short one

next entry: I have survey for you.

Another short one


1. What's your biggest complaint about today? The four-hour train ride to Hamilton.

2. Have any of your friends dropped out of school? Yes

3. Do you ever have dreams where you're alone, or are you always with people? I have both.

4. Bottles or cans? Cans

5. Does your home feel like home to you, or do you think you're yet to find a place to call home? It does feel like home because I lived here before I went away to university but after living on my own for four years it's not an ideal home. It feels temporary, and I do really want to move out.

6. What's the best kind of fruit juice? Apple

7. When was the last time you cried in the shower? I'm not sure

8. What's your favorite kind of fish? To eat? I like salmon.

9. Do you prefer french tip or colored nails? Coloured. I'm doing this while I wait for my nails to dry right now.

10. When was the last time you felt rushed? This morning.

11. What's something that can make you feel better about yourself? Working out, although only temporarily. Yesterday before I packed I was trying on dresses to wear tonight and depressed myself like I always do when I try on my dresses now. I've actually lost a little weight recently (I think) but it's not nearly enough. I wish there was a pill to make you instantly thin.

12. Mitchell Davis or Shane Dawson? I don't know who those people are.

13. What's your favorite 80's movie? Beetlejuice

14. If you needed glasses, what kind would you get? If you have glasses, what do they look like? i have glasses but don't like them. I've had them about five years because I can't afford to replace them. They're thick-rimmed and purple. I don't know what I'd want now if I were to get new ones. Something completely different. I'd have to try some on.

15. Does/did your school have a big football field? My university did obviously. We had a really good team.

16. Have you ever known someone that ate their school lunches in the bathroom? No

17. Do you have any cousins that you can't stand? Haha yeah. I have several cousins from about 15-19 that are all little bitchy princesses. There are four of them, and they gather in this little giggly cluster I would never want to penetrate.

18. Is your voice unique? Not really.

19. Are you modest? Yes usually. I don't like to brag.

20. Who do you care about more than yourself? Others.

previous entry: A short one

next entry: I have survey for you.

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