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FearfulInk's Diary
by FearfulInk

previous entry: New Friend

next entry: Fake Family

Bad day


Well.. hmmm.. This was a bad day.. Me and the baby mama got into a BIG fight over the phone. I got so mad I ended up throwing my cordless phone at the wall and broke it. I have to go and buy another one when I get the money to do so. She was mad cause I broke up with her. So she kept calling and calling and calling and calling over and over and over again. Oh almost forgot, the reason my phone met the wall was cause she called me a dead beat dad.......... WTF! My son loves me to death. He listens to me but not her.Call of Duty Black Ops 2.. X-Box 360.. FearfulInk.. Hmu..

previous entry: New Friend

next entry: Fake Family

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