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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: tough call....

next entry: marking stuffs off the lists

interesting......and update at end.


One of the many things i really like about the habit i've developed with journalizing my various thoughts and notions is that it make it easier to go back and re-think things, and it also oftentimes forces me to articulate thoughts that are in my head and are kind of half-formed. And it helps me notice things, like what i'm about to write about now.

There's this girl, Ashliegh she works here at Chapters, and i've been shopping here for....gods...nigh on a decade now in total. But since i've been back in O-town 'bout 4 years now.

Right about the time i started school i think Ashleigh started working here, and we've bantered back and forth whenever we cross paths, but i've had the sneaking suspicion since November-ish that there was a little something else there, and i'd planned to say something.....then the triple-damned transit strike happened and i couldn't go anywhere, so it was rather moot. And around the same time I ran into Jennifer, twice and that kind of threw me off balance.

So the combination of those things really threw me off......but the buses have been back for aobut 3 weeks now and i've been coming and going, and a couple of weeks running, quite by chance i've ran again into Ashliegh here at Chapters.

And last Sunday, some things occured that left me with a very strong impression that she's interested in me, and i almost asked her out, i would have.... but there was a smidgen of chicken as well as the fact that i legitimatly had to study as i had two mid-terms the following day.

but i've been ruminating on this the past week thinking about asking her out....and it's pretty much pushed Jennifer from my mind.

I find that interesting.

anyways...and a small boast.

I will ask her out Sunday.


and a general update as promised,

Life continues to return to normal which is good, it's nice to settle back into routines, this random shite was driving me absolutely batty!!

I've gotten into the habit (the days i'm home) of watching Transfomers with the little man, which is a blast. Granted they're *really* bad, but it's fun, so i endure.

Some cool stuff happened Tuesday, Got my 'Our Troth' books, at long last....and i found out Ruby is going to be in town in April which is awesome!!! granted August(when she's back for good) isn't that far off all things considered, but it's still awesome to hang out with the Rube-osity!

made a new friend this week: Linds, she works at Kernels in the mall (what is it with me meeting people who work retail eh?) we got into a chat and she's expressed some interest in Asatru. So i loaned her a book....we'll see if it's a strong interest, it seems to (based on what i've observed) suit her so we'll see.

not much else going on....though i did have an interesting chat with a friend of mine on Thursday about parents and the shite that's been bothering me of late....and it was helpful to vent somewhat.

i am, as ever shocked and appalled at the fucking baggage i'm carrying around with me.....and as ever dedicated and re-dedicated to make sure i don't inflict that on Cam.

Seriously though, watching Transformers with my son......what could be more awesome?!?!!

good night and good luck

previous entry: tough call....

next entry: marking stuffs off the lists

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